The undersigned agrees they are the owner or authorized agent of the owner (collectively the “Owner”) of the vessel or other property named above (collectively the “Property”). The Owner authorizes Sea Power Marine Centre Ltd. (“Sea Power”) to carry out the work and provide the services listed above, and agrees they are bound by the following terms of service:
- All work orders require a validated credit card on file prior to Sea Power commencing work or incurring expenses;
- All invoices are payable upon completion of work and invoices remaining unpaid after 30 days incur interest of 24% per annum calculated daily;
- From 1 Jan 2024 all Credit Card payments attract a 2.4% Processing Fee;
- Sea Power shop rates as of January 6th, 2025 are:$187.50/hour for mechanical work and $218.50/hour for electrical work. Emergency call-outs are a minimum charge of $500.00.
- Invoices unpaid by an insurer are the responsibility of the Owner;
- Where the Owner removes, or the Property is otherwise released to the Owner or their agent, the Owner authorizes Sea Power to charge the Owner’s credit card any outstanding invoice amount;
- The Owner will pay $2 per foot per day for Sea Power to store the Property pending payment of an invoice, as well as reasonable handling fees to deliver the Property other than where originally agreed, and these storage and handling charges will from part of Sea Power’s lien over the vessel;
- Where Sea Power conducts work on Property other than on Sea Power premises, the parties agree the Property is in Sea Power’s legal possession until the invoice is paid. Sea Power has the right to seize and sell the Property, even after releasing the Property to the Owner, to satisfy an unpaid invoice;
- Sea Power Marine may operate the Property on any waterway or elsewhere for the purpose of testing, inspection or delivery at the Owner’s risk;
- The Owner is solely responsible for identifying lifting points and underwater attachments or parts of the boat which may be damaged when the Property is removed from the water and the Owner waives any claim against Sea Power resulting from the failure to correctly identify such risks;
- Sea Power Marine is not responsible for loss or damage to the Property caused by a third party while the Property is in Sea Power’s care